Maximizing Free Time by Minimizing Waste

Keeping things organized isn’t just about making sure every piece of furniture and gadget is arranged meticulously or stashed away systematically. A large part of being efficient is actually making sure that your time is well spent. If you’re sure that most of your time is spent on things that matter, then you’ll find more free time to organize the rest of your life.

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Posted in: Saving Money

Financial Goals That Anyone Can Accomplish


Setting financial goals are a part of life and when it comes to setting the plan in action, many individuals do not know where to start. A great place to start would be making more than one payment a month on your mortgage. Paying off your mortgage at an earlier rate can save you tons of cash in interest fees, and your home will be paid off sooner. Another great financial goal is to only have low interest rate credit cards and avoid high interest loans. If you’re the type of person that always keeps a high balance on your credit card, having a lower interest rate will be really beneficial. If you’re doing your taxes this year, and you’re hiring a tax agent, don’t do it. Doing your own taxes can save you as much as five hundred dollars in tax fees, you can use that money on a fun splurge. Another way to get your financial life in order would be to do a complete checkup on all your assets that includes money that you have in the bank, insurance converges, and your will. Once you have your financial life in order, you can then sit back and count all the money your saving by taking control.

Posted in: Saving Money

The Advantages of opting for a Payout over a Pension

Many companies nowadays are finding ways to minimize their payroll expenses, from reducing the hourly rate to taking away the number of vacation days awarded to all employees. One thing that won’t go away soon though is retirement benefits. This is mandated by the federal government, so all tenured employees are assured of receiving monthly compensation long after they have left their company. Some enterprising individuals however aren’t waiting for every month to pass before reaping the benefits of their work ; many are now cashing out, choosing to receive a smaller sum over waiting for each month to come and go. But which option is better? Continue reading →

Posted in: Retirement